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Aladdin At The Kings

Author: annahowelll Published: 12th December 2019 10:05

 Aladdin At The Kings

Last night saw the opening night of this year's Kings Theatre panto, Aladdin, which was delivered with more magic and sparkle than you could shake a stick full of lamps at!

This is the season that the people of Portsmouth look forward to the most, with the Kings Theatre giving the highly reputable festive show a personal touch year after year - and this year was no exception.

Of course no panto would be the same without Portsmouth's very own Dame Jack Edwards taking the helm, and those of you who have been coming to the panto as long as he has been starring in it would, I am sure, agree that Widow Twankey is one of the best parts he plays.

Right from the start Jack lead the way with his usual charm and Pompey charisma, with all the little in-house jokes we have come to love and expect, but he wasn't the only local talent taking part in the show this year.

As well as the hugely talented local dancers, who ranged in age and worked tirelessly as they delivered routine after routine sensationally, Jack was joined on stage by Portsmouth born and bred children's presenter, Mike Goble, who not only delivered a fantastic performance as Wishy Washy, but who also wrote the script for, and directed the entire panto not just brilliantly, but in a show-stopping, ground-breaking way as he took pantomime to a whole new level by adding in a 4D background to the famous ghost chase routine, which left the audience gasping and dodging ghosts and snakes through the air as water was fired across their heads - it was simply amazing.

Not content with just 4D, the show also had the most amazing, and touching scene where Aladdin (played brilliantly by Daniel Slade) flies on his magic carpet with such special effects we actually thought we might have been looking at a projection on a screen. All in all the special effects this year will take your breath away and leave you mesmerised.

But don't worry that all this high-tech wow factor might take anything away from the usual fun and mayhem of panto, all the usual traditions we have come to know and love are still very much in place and of course no Kings Theatre panto would be the same without the 12 Days of Christmas - Pay special attention to the 3 chavs in Fratton this year, they will have you belly laughing into the aisles!

As for the rest of the cast - which included the stunning Lucy Kane (The Voice) as Princess Jasmine, the delightful Dani Acors as the Spirit of the ring and the super funny Richard Alan as the Emperor of China, a special mention has to go to headline starts Ben Ofoedu and Shane Lynch.

Individually they were superb - Shane was apparently born to play a baddie whilst Ben's dancing, well if that doesn't get you in the party mood frankly nothing will - you can't even begin to imagine the chemistry these two old friends, and performers, have on stage together. They will knock your socks off.

I know I say this every year but it seems that every year the Kings doesn't just deliver another great panto, but always manages to raise the bar a bit more... Well, quite a lot this year actually, so make sure you book your tickets now for what I assure you will be a fantastic part of your Christmas festivities, and something you will still be talking about long after the tree and mince pies have gone.

Click here to book your tickets now to avoid disappointment.

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