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Woman In Black At The Kings Theatre - Review

Author: annahowelll Published: 4th February 2020 10:41

 Last night saw the opening night of the highly acclaimed touring production of The Woman In Black, and it chilled to the bone.

Adapted from Susan Hill's bestselling book of the same name, this spine-tingling stage production, brought to life by Stephen Mallatratt, is refreshingly unique in concept, and very different to the Film based on the same book starring Daniel Radcliffe, so even if you think you have seen it all, this play is definitely worth your time.

It is hard to try and explain why this particular show is so good on several different levels. The main one being that it is full of surprises that we obviously do not want to give away, but also because your viewing experience - and the whole performance is an experience - is based on each and every eye of the beholder.

The Woman In Black draws from the imagination of its audience, it requires everyone watching make this story come to life visually, solely from the outstanding acting of just two people on stage and a very small selection of props and recorded sounds, which simply would not have worked had all of these things not aligned as perfectly as they did for us last night.

A huge mention has to go out to the sound and lighting people behind this show, their use of light, shade and smoke mirrors, accompanied by the haunting accompanying soundtrack, helped paint the perfect dark picture of this modern day ghost story, which will honestly have you on the edge of your seats with fear - it is not for the faint hearted!

Finally, the two cast members who took on this huge theatrical task of conducting every scene, and often scenes within a scene, on their own, unsupported by any chorus or special effects, deserve more than a tip of the hat. These two super talented actors had the entire production in their hands to deliver, or drop, but not only were their performances of the very highest standard, their ability to keep the audience in the loop of the story whilst they changed and switched characters with nothing more than a change of coat, was truly remarkable.

One piece of advice I would give anyone wanting to see this to maximise their enjoyment, is make sure you are fully alert and firing on all cylinders - this show requires all of your attention, especially if this is your first encounter with the story.

The Woman In Black is running at the Kings Theatre till this Saturday, February 8th - Book your seats here now before they sell out.

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