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Student Life - Issue 1

Author: HaydenTaylor-StudentLife Published: 16th March 2011 22:05

Student Life   by Hayden Taylor           

Hello and welcome to my new column; for students all across the City.

During your school years, we see many problems, and I understand, as I'm in the same position as you.

So how do we change what we don't like? Well here I am, standing ready to take your opinion.

This is the place  for young people to share their views and see what's going on in there local area for us.

Portsmouth under 18's hit the polls

This month saw Portsmouth's young people take to the polls voting for National U.K Youth Parliament member for Portsmouth. Thirteen candidates started there campaigns to try to win over the young people and try to receive the most votes. The winner of the elections now represents Portsmouth Nationally and works with other young people all over the country. The elected members are Carl Greenwood (Priory School, 16) MYP, Georgie Boxall (City Girls School, 16) DMYP and Hayden Taylor (ALNS, 14) DMYP.

Free swimming left Portsmouth, should it be brought back?

Many of us visited the Mountbatten Centre in the last year but as the Governments cuts crush into budgets the Swim 4 Life Initiative disappeared and free swimming in Portsmouth was gone. Thousands of under 16's and over 60's visited the fifty metre Olympic size swimming pool in public sessions funded by the governments Change 4 Life campaign.

What is there for young people to do and should the government and local authorities invest in such projects? Have your say, at

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