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More than £100,000 Allocated for Mobile Library

Published: 18th November 2013 11:02

The Portsmouth City Council has allocated £100K in its budget for a mobile library vehicle to serve the north of the city, in Drayton, Farlington and Anchorage Park as well as areas of Paulsgrove.

Designed to operate in a Portsmouth environment, the vehicle is expected to debut in 2014. The council will be engaging with community groups and especially families with young children, older and disabled residents to make sure it is stocking the right titles in the mobile library.

Cllr Lee Hunt, Portsmouth City Council's Cabinet Member for Culture, said: "I am absolutely thrilled that we are providing the mobile library service to residents in the north of the city. This service will help more people--particularly young children, the elderly and those with disabilities--experience the joy of reading.

"Following the new and popular Southsea library opening, this new mobile unit is a further strong statement of the council's determination to keep on delivering value-for-money library services citywide.

"Whilst other towns and cities are getting rid of libraries, Portsmouth's new mobile library will help reach into more communities better than before. The unit will have an emphasis on city north neighbourhoods to improve services there, but will also help engage with more people at local shows, events and gatherings north, south, east and west."

Lindy Elliott, library services manager, said: "This mobile library is an important step to support reading, learning and literacy across the city. For many years, we have been aware that the people of Drayton have sought a library.

"We will be targeting vulnerable groups who have a hard time accessing libraries. This mobile library will also provide better service to residential homes, large car parks, shopping centres and other congregating points in the north of the of the city."   

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