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Help\Business Help\Creating an AMAZing Business Listing

Creating an AMAZing Business Listing

To create an AMAZing business listing (pictured below) follow these simple steps

  1. Log into your AMAZing Place
  2. Click Business Listings
  3. Click the top choice of Create An AMAZing Listing (or if it’s not your first listing then click on New Listing on the top left of your listings list and then the same top choice)
  4. You will now be on the business listing settings page – fill in your company details. You can fill in up to 3 categories to appear in.
  5. Click Next at the bottom and then you can put in the main content into your advert, 5 images lots of text and your logo, check out the Designing your AMAZing Business Listing Helps & Tips.
  6. The bar at the top will help you to give your information styling and add pictures
  7. *pic of buttons and descriptions – see gorm*
  8. Click Next at the bottom and then choose the area(s) you would like your listing to appear on by working down the regions
  9. Hit the ‘Zing it!’ button when you want the listing to go live

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