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Grease Is The Word At Woodfall

Published: 22nd July 2013 09:57

On Wednesday 17th July, the Year 6 pupils at Woodfall Primary School put on a spectacular performance of "Grease" for their parents.

The two hour long production flew by and the children performed the well known story like professionals, using a script adapted by their teachers. Children from the rest of the school also had a chance to enjoy the performance in two morning dress rehearsals. woodfall_grease_001

Their teachers, Miss Kim Moorcroft and Miss Emma McConville were incredibly proud, after writing, choreographing and directing the whole production over the last six weeks. Miss Moorcroft said "It was a very ambitious performance this year, being so long, and the children were incredible, learning so many lines and delivering them so naturally. We couldn't have been more proud of them and it was well worth the effort put in by all."

With so many songs and dance routines to learn, many of the children showed their commitment to the production by coming to school early each day for extra rehearsals. Their enjoyment of the whole process was clearly evident on their faces and the enthusiasm with which they delivered their lines and performed the famous songs and dances.

woodfall_grease_002The production was a real team effort this year with many staff, parents and pupils involved in the preparations, helping backstage, producing the scenery, props and costumes and with hair and makeup. Special thanks go in particular to Miss Helen Nuttall for the fabulous scenery and "Greased Lightning" car.

Mrs Paula Jones, one of the teachers at Woodfall was among many staff who stayed behind to watch the performance and said "It was outstanding and if they were performing it again I would be queuing for tickets to watch again."

When the children say goodbye to Woodfall next week, they will certainly leave a lasting memory of their time here.





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