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18 Beautiful Butterflies on a Bush - Beat That!

Published: 8th August 2013 12:57

Roy Wilson has sent this photo in to AboutMyArea Neston:

18 butterflies on a bush

Roy says: "On Wednesday, my wife Gail counted 18 butterflies on a buddleia bush in our garden. It's the most we have ever seen at one time.

"Can any of your readers beat this?"

So, the challenge is on - can you photograph more than 18 butterflies on one bush or shrub?  If so, please send it to us by email and we will add it to this article.

First to pick up the gauntlett is John Cartlidge, who says: "I was only thinking what a bumper 'crop' we had this year, so prompted by the challenge I dashed out with my camera to our very much overgrown buddleia.

"I have counted more than 20 in one go on recent days, mainly Peacocks, but some Red Admiral, Comma and Cabbage White. Only thing is my photography is worse than my gardening, and the tree so large any single picture leaves the butterflies completely camouflaged."

John sent us several photos, all taken within a few seconds of each other.  He says: "These are snaps of different parts of the tree and I think I can count over 20. I promise it's not the same handful photo'd from several different angles.1"

We believe you John. Unfortunately, if we try to reproduce all the photos together, they will be so small that the butterflies will be all but indistinguishable from the bush. So, we've picked the best of the bunch, and here it is:

Butterflies in the garden, Neston

Any more for any more???  Keep them coming, John's in the lead at the moment....

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