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St Michael's Church in Neston Celebrates 100 Years of Worship

Author: John Proud, Kath Roberts & Pete Coward Published: 9th September 2013 12:49

The following article originally appeared in the September 2013 edition of Catalyst, the Parish magazine. Our thanks to John Proud, Kath Roberts and Pete Coward for the words and photographs, and for the kind permission for AboutMyArea to reproduce it here.

On Sunday 22nd September St Michael's celebrated 100 years since the opening of the original building.

St Michael's Church, Little NestonThe original St Michaesl's Church building.

In 1910, church services in Little Neston were being held in Ness Holt School, but new regulations would soon make the school unsuitable. The Vicar of Neston, Rev Charles Brooke Gwynne, considered various sites in Little Neston for a proposed new church before a price of £50 was agreed for the piece of land where St Michael's now stands.

A sub-committee was formed and a number of options for the new church were considered. In March 1913 "the tender submitted by Messrs William Fleming & Co for the erection of a Mission Church be accepted and work commenced forthwith".

Rev. Charles Brooke GwynneFundraising had already begun, but with a planned opening in September there was much work to be done and many decisions to make. One problem was that a gas main along Burton Road was not proposed for completion until 1914, so the church had initially to be fitted with oil lamps.

When the church was opened in September subscriptions, existing surpluses and interest amounted to £539-15s-9d, fully covering the building cost of £516-13s-7d and ensuring that when the new church of St Michael and All Angels had its opening service it was free from debt. This was a quite remarkable achievement in such a short time from proposal to completion.

The opening service took place on Tuesday 23rd September 1913, and was reported in the Parish Magazine of October of that year as follows:

"On Tuesday 23rd of September, the Dean of Chester preached at the opening service of St Michael's Mission Church.
It is a wooden building in the Gothic style, the dimensions are exceedingly well proportioned. It consists of a nave with sacrarium, with a clergy vestry to the north and a choir vestry to the south. The choir stalls are placed between the sacrarium and the nave. The hangings and frontal are exceedingly attractive - gifts of one of numerous donors. The other gifts were altar, altar vessels, altar rails and credence bracket, carpet, cross, vases and bookmarkers. The lectern is a very handsome and very appropriate gift of one of our most devoted lay-readers. The carpet is also a gift.

"The seating accommodation all told will be 150. the church was unpleasantly crowded on Tuesday evening and many were compelled to turn back owing to lack of room. The service was both hearty and reverent. The Vicar read the first part of the prayers and the Reverend A E Claxton took the latter portion of the service. It was exceedingly pleasant to have our old friend Captain Stephens (of the Church Army) with us. He read the first lesson and Captain Scholey (of the Church Army) read the second portion.

"The Dean preached a very helpful sermon which was listened to with great attention. We heartily congratulate Mr Russell on producing such a neat and dignified church, and Mr Fleming on his unremitting labours. He had carried out his work in a most thorough and we had almost said affectionate manner. We also congratulate the Finance Committee on the completion of their work. They have every reason to be proud of their three years' work. They have provided a lay-worker, a place of worship for Parkgate, completed considerable alterations at Little Neston School and have provided a charming little church for Little Neston and the Colliery Districts.

"It now remains for the people to show their appreciation of the work by regularly attending the Service provided and by generously giving towards the upkeep of the Services.

"Miss Jackson, Captain Scholey and the choir deserve more than a passing word of praise for their time and care expended on their singing. They acquitted themselves admirably."

St Michael's Church, Little Neston - members of the original congregationSome members of the original congregation.    

The new St Michael's was dedicated by the Bishop of Chester, The Rt Rev Michael Baughan, on Tuesday 11th June 1991

This special anniversary gives us an opportunity to look back and give thanks for all that has been accomplished and all the many people who have worshipped on this site and served the church in Little Neston.

The place of the Church of England in society is very different from when St Michael's was built in 1913. The Church in Neston has adapted to meet the modern needs of society and will have to continue to evolve, but we look forward to the challenges ahead confident that St Michael's and its congregation will continue to serve the people of Little Neston for the next 100 years.

St Michael's Church, Little Neston in 1989St Michael's Church in 1989, shortly before its demolition to make way for the new building.

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At 15:21 on 11th September 2013, a10694 commented:
I was told once (I can't remember when or where, or who by) that St Michaels Church was largely made of materials salvaged from the Christchurch Baptist Chapel on Quayside at the bottom of Marshlands Road.
andy w
At 15:56 on 11th September 2013, andy w commented:
If possible i would love to get a copy of the picture of the congregation in 1989 as i think it is my great aunt Catherine who is sitting on the far left of the front row and i don't have any photos of her in her later years.She lived on Bull hill in the house that used to be a pub in the early 1900's and she allways attended St Michael's
Katie Robson
At 17:12 on 11th September 2013, Katie Robson responded:
Andy, I'll email you contact details for John Proud.

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