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Neston Public Realm Improvements 2014 - Photo Diary Part 7

Published: 4th April 2014 10:01

Continuing our coverage of the public realm improvements ongoing in Neston town centre.

The pace has picked up considerably this week, with the pavement from the Town Hall down to the Brown Horse all but finished.  Pavement work has now progressed around the corner into Brook Street.

Meanwhile, the granite sett on one side of Parkgate Road has been completed and work commenced on the opposite carriageway.  Pavement replacement work has also commence on lower High Street.

Some late evening work has continued this week in order to minimise disruption for pedestrians and access to business premises and also to keep to schedule.

The town centre is still under 4-way traffic management as work is being carried out on all four 'arms' of the Cross.  At time of writing, the aim is still to finish by April 17, with the last piece of work being to resurface the roads in the middle, which will require a complete road closure from Sunday April 13 until Thursday April 17.


The ground floor (lowest) level of Sainsbury's car park is unrestricted whilst the works are ongoing.  You can also park long-term at The Malt Shovel and the British Legion, again while works are in progress.

Here are this week's photos, mainly courtesy of Rob Clive, but with some extras in the Lighter Side this week from Bernard Rose.

The pavement from the Town Hall down to the Brown Horse is pretty much completed now and work began on the pavement going into Brook Street.

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Meanwhile, several of the granite setts are nearing completion:

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Work started on the other side of Parkgate Road:

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Pavement works commenced on lower High Street:

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

End of Week Six, The Cross and lower High Street:

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

The Lighter Side...

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014From Bernard Rose, the Neston heat of the Grand National Wheelbarrow Race.

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014Rob: Some people are just so camera-shy!

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014Rob: Mind your fingers!

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014Rob: Workmen, like all good children, put all their toys away properly at night.

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014Rob: good to see Neston so colour-coordinated at this time of year. 

And finally, as it was April Fool's Day on Tuesday...from Bernard: Outrageous!  Still, at least you can get a decent signal in the centre of town now:

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

And from Rob, nice to see some new shops springing up in the wake of the improvement works:

Neston public realm improvement works. W/c 31 March 2014

Related content:

Neston Town Centre Redevelopment

Public realm upgrade gets underway in Neston town centre

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Mary E
At 15:33 on 9th April 2014, Mary E commented:
Whilst driving past the works today I noticed an elderly lady had obviously been confused by the "pedestrian signs" and she was walking into oncoming traffic. One of the workmen immediately came out from behind the barriers to help her. Well done to that young man.

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