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A Heartfelt Thank You from a Sainsbury's Neston Customer

Published: 7th April 2014 09:58

On Thursday April 3, Joanne Molyneux's mother, Elizabeth Edis, was taken ill whilst shopping at Sainsbury's in Neston.  She has asked AboutMyArea Neston to publish the following message of thanks.

Sainsbury's Neston"I would like to acknowledge Sainsbury's and indeed the people of Neston. On Thursday the 3rd, my mother collapsed in Sainsbury's. She was very poorly and if it wasn't for the staff and their quick thinking, I dread to think of what may have happened, as it took the Ambulance over an hour to attend.

"One member of staff called the ambulance, one rang my work, another went to get the dentist (as they have a defibrillator and oxygen) and another ran for the Doctor. Not to mention their care and concern for my well being when I arrived .

"My mother and I are both from Buckinghamshire and are constantly surprised by the genuine warmth of those in Neston. We feel privileged to be part of it and I and my mother will be eternally grateful."

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At 23:08 on 10th April 2014, Bogbrush commented:
A sad but heartwarming story,it does however, raise a few issues...
The lady in question does appear to have been taken very ill and yet it still over an hour for an ambulance to arrive at the scene.
As a member of the public,it would never have occurred to me to go to the dentists to access a defibrillator. Perhaps it would be an idea for AMA to publish a list of defibrillator locations in the Neston area?
Katie Robson
At 07:37 on 11th April 2014, Katie Robson responded:
A short while ago we did publish an article stating that there is now a 'town centre' defibrillator located at Andrew's Estates at the Cross. There is also one at Neston Civic Hall and another at Neston Community & Youth Centre. If anyone is aware of the location of other devices, please let us know.

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