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Bookshop of the Year Awards 2021 Recognise Local Linghams Booksellers, Heswall

Published: 21st February 2021 11:02

Being named a regional finalist in The British Book Awards 2021, owner Sue Porter is proud to be representing the best of the book trade.

For many in the creative industry, the pandemic has posed the chance to ignite different ways of working. Linghams is a shining example of a community business that did outreach work in primary education and hosted author events long before a new way of working was forced upon them.

Their live events 'BC: Before Coronavirus' saw Sue welcome famous faces such as Gary Barlow and Michael Palin, to name just two, and the team hope to be able to carry on with such events when COVID restrictions allow. 

Sue, Owner of Linghams

Rising to the challenges of this last year, Sue decided to start a series of virtual author events that have proven extremely popular. Giving your average reader the opportunity to learn more about their favourite artist or even engage and ask direct questions of them, from the comfort of their own home, has been a winning formula.

Alongside three other independent booksellers, Sue launched 'At Home With 4 Indies' and to date they have hosted over 200 events online. Speaking of their achievement, Sue says: "These have included Robert Webb, Stephen Fry, the Yorkshire Shepherdess, Patrick Ness, Marian Keyes, and Andy Griffiths."

Linghams have been shortlisted as regional finalists for the north of England in this year's awards. Sue says: "To receive this when we are closed was just such a boost. Honestly, I think I cried when I saw the email!"  

The annual British Book Awards, also known as The Nibbies, has been recognising bookshops for the past 30 years. A spokesperson says: "We want to find the best independent bookshops from rural Scotland to inner-city London."

The awards ceremony will happen virtually again this year on Thursday 13 May. After the success of the 2020 event, The Nibbies, run by The Bookseller, will follow a similar format and plans are afoot for a summer party to follow the event, if permitted.

Philip Jones, editor of The Bookseller, said: "In a year dominated by COVID-19, social distancing rules, and lockdowns, the 2021 British Book Awards will surely showcase the trade's incredible resilience in the face of the biggest disruption seen since the Second World War."

This past year has been tough for the industry as a whole, so to be an independent business named as a regional finalist in these awards is a huge credit to Sue and the Linghams team.

Linghams' Heswall shop is open Wednesday to Friday, 10am to 3pm, during the current lockdown. You can shop by phone, or email.

Linghams Booksellers
248 Telegraph Road
Heswall, Wirral
Merseyside, CH60 7SG

Tel: 0151 342 7290 Email: books@linghams.co.uk


4 Indies

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