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Your Photos - 2022

Published: 20th December 2022 22:06

We love to receive your photos of the local area, to share with our readers.

You decide what to photograph - whether it's a special occasion, a local landmark, or just something or somewhere that has caught your eye.

You can see previous galleries here.

If you would like to send us a photo or photos, please contact us by email. Or, you can post them on our Facebook page and we will pick them up from there. Photos must be a minimum of 500 pixels wide.

When a new photo is added, it will be placed at the top of the article, which will be boosted so that it appears in 'Latest' on the homepage. That way you will know there is at least one new photo in a gallery, possibly more, to delight your eyes.


December 2022


16.12.22: Sent in by Lesley Rankin, these shots illustrate Jack Frost's visit to Parkgate.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

13.12.22: A beautiful sunset over the marshes, captured by J Jones.


12.12.22: Peter Enevoldsen sent in two pictures of the steam cloud visible across the water, one including his lovely dog, and aptly named the shots 'A lot of hot air!'.

CREDIT: Peter Enevoldsen

CREDIT: Peter Enevoldsen

09.12.22: Jane Leitch captures a frosty morning on Neston marsh.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch

November 2022

21.11.22: Thank you Jane Leitch, for capturing another lovely sunset.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch

11.11.22: A couple of shots captured by Lesley Rankin on a mild weather November Armistice Day.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

October 2022

20.10.22: A classy sunset shot, courtesy of Jane Leitch.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch

13.10.22: A couple of glorious shots, captured by Jane Leitch.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch

CREDIT: Jane Leitch

13.10.22: Water meandering out to the River Dee, taken by Lesley Rankin.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

13.10.22: Two nice images of 'wild Parkgate', taken a day apart, by Lesley Rankin.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

01.10.22: Michelle Barrow sent in this delightful picture taken in Little Neston. Michelle captioned the picture: "When there's no such thing as getting too much fresh air".

CREDIT: Michelle Barrow

September 2022

17.09.22: Bernard Rose Photography captured this beautiful, reflective shot of Mstyn House and the Parkgate marshland. Click on the image to link through to Photo4Me, where you can purchase a canvas print of this amazing photo.

CREDIT: Bernard Rose Photography

11.09.22: Rebecca Bryson sent in this glowing sunset shot.

CREDIT: Rebecca Bryson

August 2022

08.08.22: A bee and a butterfly working harmoniously in the summer glow, pictured by Lesley Rankin.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin.

07.08.22: A couple of snaps from Lesley Rankin, one of the late afternoon sun and another of a local Parkgarte pheasant making a house call.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

07.08.22: Lovely shot captured by David Skews and sent in while we were on annual leave.

CREDIT: David Skews

02.08.22:  Geese arriving in Parkgate, snapped by Lesley Rankin.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin.

July 2022

31.07.22: Multi-season woodland off the Wirral Way - pseudo-autumn on the dead-leafed ground and high summer in the tree-tops, plus Neston marsh looking across the Dee. Both photos captured by Jane Leitch.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch.

June 2022

25.06.22: Photos taken in stormy Parkgate, by Lesley Rankin, now added to our Gallery.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

20.06.22: Jane Leitch sent in this photo taken from Neston marsh, and she said: "[The] puffy clouds were a bonus"

CREDIT: Jane Leitch

20.06.22: Capturing images of life on the Parkgate marshes, Lesley Rankin has shared these with us

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

16.06.22: The following snaps were taken over the Jubilee weekend in Neston, Parkgate and Willaston, by Lesley Rankin

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

... and Serena Piccoli.

CREDIT: Serena Piccoli

CREDIT: Serena Piccoli

CREDIT: Serena Piccoli

CREDIT: Serena Piccoli

CREDIT: Serena Piccoli

CREDIT: Serena Piccoli

CREDIT: Serena Piccoli

CREDIT: Serena Piccoli

May 2022

24.05.22: A lovely evening, captured by Lesley Rankin and shared with us.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

23.05.22: Jane Leitch has sent in two fabulous pictures showing a field of buttercups and a stand of cow parlsey frothing in Flint Meadows.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch

CREDIT: Jane Leitch

22.05.22: Seeing the Welsh coast beyond the marshes will never get old. Thank you Lesley Rankin for capturing a beautiful shot.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin

April 2022

25.04.22: Capturing apple blossom, a stand of bluebells and a bough of April mayflower, Jane Leitch snapped each of these pictures on the Wirral Way.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch.

25.04.22: Sally Ann-Snowball submitted the below image to us via social media.

CREDIT: Sally Ann-Snowball.

21.04.22: Dave Mort Photography flew a drone up above Stanney Fields Park and captured this beautiful shot of the blossoming trees, leading to a sunset over Neston and Parkgate and continuing up the Dee Estuary.

CREDIT: Dave Mort Photography.

21.04.22: Celebrated local photographer Bernard Rose Photography snapped the fresh blossom in a number of gorgeous photos.

CREDIT: Beranrd Rose Photography.

CREDIT: Beranrd Rose Photography.

CREDIT: Beranrd Rose Photography.

19.04.22: Over the Easter weekend, Lesley Rankin captured some lovely shots in Parkgate and the Easter display in St Thomas' fisherman's church.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin.

12.04.22: Below are a few shots synonymous with spring, taken by young photographer Patrick Kerrigan.

CREDIT: Patrick Kerrigan.

CREDIT: Patrick Kerrigan.

CREDIT: Patrick Kerrigan.

12.04.22: Over the weekend, Lesley Rankin snapped some pictures of Parkgate residents.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin.

08.04.22: Great to see the first shoots of recovery after the Parkgate marsh fire, thank you Peter Enevoldson for capturing the picture.

CREDIT: Peter Enevoldson.

March 2022

31.03.22: On the last day of March, Jane Leitch captured this image of Lees Lane pond, either feeling blue or reflecting on a crisp morning.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch.

29.03.22: Lesley Rankin has sent in a couple of shots of Parkgate's cute and furry residents.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin.

27.03.22: Mothering Sunday in Parkgate, captured by Lesley Rankin.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin.

22.03.22: Ann McDonagh sent in a picture taken by her son, of the blossom tree at the bottom of Cottage Close. She said: "The tree on Cottage Close is always worth a mention. Looks gorgeous and is a special memory for so many people."

CREDIT: Ann McDonagh.

16.03.22: We love not only to receive these photo contributions from Jane Leitch, but also her descriptions, this time around we have: "Spring in Stanney Fields park: crocuses hobnobbing with a hyacinth and a solitary daffodil holding its turf". 

CREDIT: Jane Leitch.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch.

February 2022

16.02.22: RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands posted to social media this brilliant shot, taken by Paul Jubb.

CREDIT: Paul Jubb.

05.02.22: Lesley Rankin sent in her first photo contribution of 2022.

CREDIT: Lesley Rankin.

04.02.22: Jane Leitch captured the below image of the morning sunshine-and-showers from Stanney Fields Park, Neston, with just the tiniest ghost of a rainbow.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch.

January 2022

26.01.22: Sara Bishop has shared with us a first glimpse of some soothing snowdrops, taken on a cold, grey day.

CREDIT: Sara Bishop.

18.01.22: Frosty Stanney Fields Park and delightful seasonal snowdrops, captured by Jane Leitch.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch.

17.01.22: Dave Mort Photography really does have the knack for capturing the beautiful sunsets visible in Little Neston. Of this particular one, Dave says: "Burning Skies, one of the most beautiful frosty sunrises on the Dee estuary".

CREDIT: Dave Mort Photography.

13.01.21: On Wednesday, 12 January, regarding short-eared owls, RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands wrote: "These enigmatic birds are an annual winter resident on the saltmarsh, but are rarely seen as close and reliably as has been the case for the past few weeks." Bird-watchers visiting Denhall Quay by the Harp Inn, Little Neston, were delighted to capture some photography. A few left the designated paths and caused disturbance, but Mr David Eisner kept to the permitted area and managed to capture this beautiful image of a short-eared owl carrying its lunch. Poor mouse, eyes wide open, such is the circle of life. Beautiful photograph, thanks to Pete Leary for sending this in, on Mr Eisner's behalf.

CREDIT: Mr David Eisner.

14.01.22: These four lovely images of the marshes by The Harp Inn, Little Neston and further towards Burton, from Nets Café, were taken by David Wilkinson.

CREDIT: David Wilkinson.

CREDIT: David Wilkinson.

CREDIT: David Wilkinson.

CREDIT: David Wilkinson.

10.01.22: Named by Jane Leitch as Woodfall Lake, she snapped this lovely shot on her puddly walk on Woodfall Lan, on 4th January.

CREDIT: Jane Leitch.

03.01.21: These pictures were taken by 17-year-old photographer Patrick Kerrigan, on a rainy Christmas Day evening, in Willaston.

CREDIT: Patrick Kerrigan.

CREDIT: Patrick Kerrigan.

CREDIT: Patrick Kerrigan.

CREDIT: Patrick Kerrigan.

01.01.22: Scottish bagpiper that played in the new year, in front of the Red Lion pub in Parkgate. Picture taken by Serena Piccoli Photography.

CREDIT: Serena Piccoli.

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