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Neston Library went Bananas for Fairtrade During Health and Wellbeing Week

Published: 9th February 2022 10:29

Neston's status as a Fairtrade town was on display, for all to enjoy learning more about the movement, plus sample Fairtrade chocolate and bananas.

Neston Library managed a week of activity last month, as part of Cheshire West and Chester Council's focus on health and wellbeing - see coverage here.

Members of Neston Fairtrade Group were there on Wednesday, 26 January, with information displays about Fairtrade and how Neston came to be a Fairtrade Town. Plus, some chocolate and banana samples, board games and quizzes.

A little chocolate is known to be good for you and by buying Fairtrade chocolate, plus other products as available, the consumer is directly impacting the health and wellbeing of the producers.

The extra money derived from the Fairtrade premium can fund better healthcare, education and be utilised to tackle climate change.

The banana outfit certainly draws attention and praise goes to Neston Fairtrade Group, for raising awareness of the importance of buying Fairtrade products, to support farmers and growers.

CREDIT: Robert Clive. CREDIT: Robert Clive. Pictured on the left is Margaret Heibel, Chair of Neston Fairtrade Town Group, with Heather Swainston from the Chester group to the right. Neston Town Councillor Brenda Marple looks fantastic in the banana outfit.


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