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Bus Services in Neston Area - September 2014 Update

Published: 19th September 2014 11:55

There are a number of issues to note regarding bus services into and out of Neston.

Bus stopAvon service 22 operated for the last time on Saturday 20th September 2014.  The X22 Stagecoach service will continue to run.

A revised timetable for service 272 will be in effect from Monday 22nd September. In essence, most journeys will operate direct down Hinderton Road to Neston town centre, returning to Ellesmere Port via Badger Bait, Mellock Lane (The Royal Oak) and Bushell Road. The last journey back to Neston from Ellesmere Port has been brought forward to 1710.

Download the new timetable here.

For further information please contact the Cheshire Traveline on 0871 200 22 33.

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Recte Numerare
At 17:09 on 24th September 2014, Recte Numerare commented:
So the huge conglomerate Stagecoach has finally seen off the little independent by deliberately duplicating the 22 run and using its financial muscle to run at a substantial loss until Avon caved in. The route will now not be viable as a commercial route since Chester no longer supports it and it will go. The strategy was nothing about service to people of Neston, just Stagecoach empire-building! Read what they are doing to historic Manston Aerodrome if you think they are a benign organisation.
Once again I ask - why is Liverpool Road being upgraded before the terrible state of the road to Parkgate is repaired and the Roller Coaster that is Mellock lane is flattened?
Dennis L
At 20:02 on 24th September 2014, Dennis L commented:
Good points Recte! I wonder if you will get a response?

You could also add Leighton Road especially the Leighton Farm dangerous bend where you are pushed into a ditch when vehicles come towards you.

As for Lees Lane with its chicanes and humps which is traffic engineering gone mad.
andy w
At 11:10 on 25th September 2014, andy w commented:
In answer to the Liverpool road upgrading I push for as many roads in my ward to be resurfaced as I can and Liverpool road is the main route into Neston so top of my list for maintaining. I have checked on Parkgate road and highways have said that it could be done as early as October as it is in this years budget but no date set yet, it has been delayed due to the wagons travelling down to the housing development behind Mostyn house. As for Leighton road Dennis I don't know of any plans for work on there but if people are concerned I would contact the ward councillor Brenda Dowding. And as for Lees lane my personal opinion would be to agree with Dennis that maybe its a bit over the top but it does prevent it being used as a race track
Recte Numerare
At 12:37 on 25th September 2014, Recte Numerare commented:
Yes, Andy, a good idea to wait until the heavy stuff has finished wrecking he road at Parkgate.
There are some really shattering depressions in Mellock lane which are by the raised section opposite the school where substructure failure has occurred.
Thanks for your hard work, Andy. Neston does appreciate it.
andy w
At 13:05 on 25th September 2014, andy w commented:
I will see what I can find out about Mellock lane and post on here
CO Jones
At 07:52 on 4th October 2014, CO Jones commented:
Delighted with Lees lane personally. Was sick to death of seemingly taking my life in my own hands trying to use the route as part of our dog walk with absolute morons driving at double the speed limit.

They may seem extreme traffic calming measures but they would not have been needed if people did not drive so inconsiderately.
Recte Numerare
At 10:32 on 6th October 2014, Recte Numerare commented:
I have no problem with linear ramp speed bumps - it is the square devils that knock the tracking on your wheels askew. My wife's car lost 75% of the wear in her back tyres from being knocked out of line straddling them. You see many local cars with this type of wear. Ask the garages if you don't believe me.
Taking the bump on one side is the solution but is a spine damaging wrench unless you take them at 10 mph. That process wastes fuel and burns hydrocarbons inefficiently. Linear humps can be taken at 20 mph which is known to be a safe urban speed.

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