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Councils support 2030 carbon neutral ambitions

Author: Marius West Published: 29th July 2019 09:06

 Council Logo

Councils support 2030 carbon neutral ambitions

Councillors at Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils have voted on motions to support Suffolk's county-wide aim of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

At Full Council meetings on Tuesday 23 July and Thursday 25 July both Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils pledged to set up a taskforce, in partnership with other public sector partners, taking a step forward in becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

The taskforce, due to be set up in September this year, will work with partners across the county and region to examine ways in which the two councils will respond to the climate change challenge and fulfil its ambition to become carbon neutral.

Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils join other local authorities across the country in recognising there is a climate emergency, building on their work as part of the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership.

The motions were tabled by Cllr Elisabeth Malvisi and Cllr Jessica Fleming, Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Council's cabinet members for environment.

Cllr Elisabeth Malvisi, Babergh District Council's Cabinet Member for Environment, said:

"We acknowledge the role we play in protecting our environment from the effects of climate change. The approval of this motion takes a positive step forward in helping to make Suffolk the greenest county.

"The taskforce, along with key public sector partners, will look at ways we can respond to the climate change challenge, and what we need to do to achieve the ambition of making Suffolk carbon neutral by 2030."

Cllr Jessica Fleming, Mid Suffolk District Council's Cabinet Member for Environment, said:

"I am delighted that this motion has been passed at full council. This gives us the mandate we need help the Government to deliver its 25-year Environment Plan and increase the powers and resources available to local authorities to address climate change.

"We already work with the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership to reduce the environmental impacts of our services and encourage local businesses to showcase their green projects. We realise there's a lot more the district can do and look forward to working collaboratively on this important initiative."











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