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Sudbury news, reviews and local events in Sudbury areas including Sudbury, Long Melford, Lavenham, and communities in Sudbury.

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  • Sudbury Ramblers Walk, Dalham, 22nd September 2019

    Published: Fri, 20/09/2019 09:11
    We are a Group of walkers within the Suffolk Area of The Ramblers Association. This is a charity whose aims are to encourage walking, to protect rights of way, develop walks and to defend the beauty of the countryside for the benefit of all.

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  • Car Boot Sales, Sudbury, Every Sunday

    Published: Sun, 18/08/2019 06:00
    Sudbury Car Boot Sales, Stour Valley Business Centre, Brundon Lane, Sudbury. There is a great car boot sale for all those wanting to find hidden gems every Sunday from 8am. There are numerous 'boots' there with a wide variety of goods, from top of the range cameras todressing tables - something for everyone.
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  • Sudbury Market, Every Thursday and Saturday

    Published: Thu, 18/07/2019 04:32
    Sudbury Market, held in the Market Square, is fast becoming one of Suffolk’s busiest town markets. There is a market every Thursday and Saturday along with the Farmers' Market each Friday at the end of the month.
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  • Sudbury Boat Trips to Great Cornard Lock, Sundays

    Published: Sun, 23/06/2019 05:48
    Sudbury Boat Trips to Great Cornard Lock, Sunday. Departs from The Granary Tea Room. CO10 2AN, 11am – 5pm. Adult £5. Child £3. Rosette and Francis J can each accommodate 8 passengers; whilst Edwardian Lady and the restored John Constable Lighter can each carry up to 12 passengers. All these boats operate between Sudbury, Great C
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