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Sudbury Restaurant Reviews

Reviews from Sudbury, Long Melford, Lavenham and other areas of Sudbury.

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"A great venue with fabulous Events, recommended "


"We had an excellent attendance, 298 people were there (our average attendance before Saturday's game was 88). Thanks for your help promoting the game"
- Long Melford FC

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The Bell Hotel in Clare, Restaurant Review

Tue, 27/12/2016 14:02

There’s been a pub on the site of The Bell Hotel - http://thebellhotelclare.com - for several centuries. Its frontage on to the old market square, complete with flowering hanging baskets, is quintessentially pub pretty. The Bell’s current owners, Tom and Becky, took over in February 2016 and have an admirable yet simple ambition to make The Bell “j

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